Para pengunjung Blog yang budiman, khususnya para siswa-siswi kelas XII SMA Negeri 2 Semarang. Sebentar lagi kalian akan menempuh Ujian Akhir tahun 2022, oleh karena itu silahkan persiapkan dengan sebaik-baiknya melalui giat belajar tanpa kenal lelah. Ingatlah bermandi keringat lebih beruntung dan menyehatkan dari pada berurai air mata karena penyesalan. Selamat belajar, semoga Allah senantiasa memberikan kesehatan dan petunjukNya sehingga kalian tetap berkomitmen belajar untuk memperoleh hasil Ujian yang dapat membawa kebanggaan bagi orang tua, bapak-ibu guru dan keluarga besar SMA Negeri 2 Semarang.Tuhan akan menolong hambanya yang senantiasa berusaha keras dalam mencari ridhoNya. Semoga kalian adalah termasuk orang-orang yang sebagai hamba Allah yang selalu gigih berusaha itu.


Assalamu'alaikum warochmatullahi wabarokatuh!
Selamat datang di Blog-nya Pak Ansori SMA 2 Semarang. Blog ini dibuat khusus untuk kepentingan pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Biologi bagi siswa - siswa ku di SMA 2 khususnya, juga untuk menuangkan ide yang kemungkinan bermanfaat untuk orang lain. Blog ini juga kami lengkapi dengan link sumber belajar, bahan pelajaran atau soal latihan, serta tugas siswa khususnya untuk komunitas biologi SMA. Anda dapat mengguanakan blog ini sebagai wahana belajar, komunikasi dan usul serta saran yang mungkin sangat bermanfaat bagi dunia pendidikan.
Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda ke blog ini, berikan saran mengenai isi, wacana, atau semacamnya. Kami bangga pada Anda yang memberikan komentar atau saran yang bersifat konstruktif. "Segala sesuatu akan sangat bermanfaat apabila diberdayakan sebagaimana mestinya". Selamat datang, Semoga Kunjungan Anda menyenangkan.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warochmatullahi Wabarokatuh!

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Pengelola Blog.

Pemberitahuan !

Bagi para pengunjung blog yang budiman, pengelola blog mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya karena petunjuk penting yang kami sajikan sudah tidak Uptodate lagi karena sudah tersedia fasilitas kemudahan untuk menggunakan bahan atau informasi dari blog ini yang tidak memerlukan petunjuk ini. Meskipun semikian secara historis informasi ini tetap kami biarkan tercantum di blog. Oleh karena itu dengan pemberitahuan ini petunjuk yang sudah terlanjur disajikan dianggap tidak berlaku lagi.

Semarang, 28 Juni 2011.

Pengelola Blog.

Sabtu, 29 September 2007

Arsip Soal tes smt 1 XI Immersi


Subject : BIOLOGY
Date : Wednesday, 3rd January 2007.
Class : XI IA 1-2. ( Immersion class only )
Time : 09.15 – 11.15 (120 minutes).

A. Choose the best correct answer !

1. A cell that lost water through away from its cell and cytoplasm is pulled away from the cell wall is called . . . .
a. Plasmolysis*
b. Diffusion
c. Osmosis
d. Turgidity.

2. Bacterial cells are prokaryotic; in comparison to a typical eukaryotic cell, we assume the observation data is still less, because prokaryotic cell …..
a. lack a plasma membrane
b. have a smaller nucleus
c. lack a nucleus membrane*
d. have a greater variety of organelles.

3. Usually to enter or leave a cell, substances like nutrient or waste from metabolism process must pass through . . .
a. the Golgi apparatus
b. the plasma membrane*
c. the nucleus membrane
d. a ribosome or polysome.

4. Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function ?.
a. central vacuole – storage*
b. ribosome - manufacture of lipids
c. mitochondrion – photosynthesis
d. nucleus - cellular respiration.

5. Which organelle carries out cellular respiration -- making ATP by breaking down food molecules with the help of oxygen?
a. Golgi complex
b. micro tubular
c. Mitochondrion*
d. Endoplasmic reticulum.

6. Organelle in the plant cell which can’t find in the animal cell are . . .
a. Cell wall and mitochondrion
b. Chloroplast and lysosome
c. Ribosome and vacuole
d. Plastid and plasmodesmate*.

7. Where would you find a stockpile of digestive enzymes, important in phagocytosis, recycling, and development?
a. Endoplasmic reticulum
b. ribosome
c. Lysosome*
d. Mitochondrion.

8. Look this scheme membrane structure below !
number 4 show part chemical compound from . . . .
a. glucose and lipid
b. protein and lipid
c. glucose and protein
d. double of phospholipid.*

9. How do differ cells activity in a meristem tissue from the other cells ?
a. They are growing.
b.. They continue to divide*
c. They are differentiating.
d. They photosynthesize at a faster rate.

10. Which of the following is closest to the centre of an maize root?
a. the cortex
b. phloem
c. xylem
d. pith*.
11. A cross section part of a dicot plant exposes epidermis, a thick cortex, and a central cylinder of xylem and phloem. This part is a . . . .a. fruit.
b. stem*
c. root.
d. seed.

12. Cell division in the vascular cambium adds to the girth of a tree by adding new _____ on the inside part of the cambium layer and _____ on the outside.a. pith . . . xylem and phloem
b. xylem and phloem . . . bark
c. phloem . . . xylem
d. xylem . . . phloem*.

13. The vascular cambium in the trunk of a large, woody Rhododendron shrub lies between….. . .a. secondary phloem and secondary xylem*.
b. primary xylem and primary phloem
c. secondary phloem and cortex
d. secondary xylem and pith.

14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of dicots?
a. two seed leaves
b. parts of flowers in fours or fives
c. veins in leaves usually parallel*
d. vascular bundles arranged in a ring.

15. The rate of transpiration is greatest when the weather are . . . .
a. Cold, dry, and windy
b. Hot, dry and windy *
c. Cold, dry and still
d. Cold, dry. And still.

16. look this picture briefly!
Function part of X label . . . .
a. change of respiration gas
b. translocation and store food.
c. transport of water and minerals
d. transport of photosynthesis result.*

17. A dye in introduced into vessel tissue (xylem) of dicot plant referring to the diagram which root where the dye would be found . . . .
a. b.* c. d.

18. The four major categories of animal tissues are . . . .
a. bone, muscle, blood, and adipose.
b. muscle, epithelial, bone, and cartilage.
c. blood, nervous, connective, and muscle.
d. nervous, epithelial, connective, and muscle*.

19. Neurons are specialized cells characteristic of . . . .
a. muscle tissue.
b. nervous tissue*. .
c. epithelial tissue.
d. connective tissue.

20. All but one of the following systems are correctly paired with one of their parts. Which pair is incorrect ?
a. excretory system – intestine*
b. integumentary system – hair
c. cardiovascular system – heart
d. endocrine system - thyroid gland.

21. Special kinds of epithelium which can find at the alveolus and blood vessel is . . . . .
a. b. c. d.*

22. Following these tissue which its compiler by cells, extracellular matrix, several kinds of fibres and protein, except is . . . .
a. Blood tissue
b. Muscles tissue*
c. Cartilago tissue
d. Adiposum tissue.

23. The most significant design feature in maintaining posture is . . . .
a. the position of the supporting limbs relative to the main body.
b. the diameter of the bones in the supporting limbs.
c. the position of the centre of mass of the organism*.
d. muscle strength in the supporting limbs.

24. Which of the following are listed in the correct hierarchical order are . . . .
a. organ system - tissue – organ
b. organ - tissue - organ system
c. cell - tissue – organ *
d. organism - organ - organ system.

25. An organ such as heart or liver contains these tissues . . . . .
a. muscle, connective, nervous, and epithelial tissues*.
b. nervous, bone, epithelial, and muscle tissues.
c. connective, muscle, cartilage, and muscle tissues.
d. muscle, cartilage, epithelial, and bone tissues.

26. Minerals which most compiler of hard bone is . . . .
a. Calcium phosphate
b. Calcium carbonate*
c. Calcium chloride
d. Calcium fluoride.

27. These are included into the axial skeleton . . .
a. Skull, ulna, and pelvic girls
b. Clavicle, sternum, and femur
c. Ischium, cervicales, and humerus
d. Vertebral column, sternum, and costae*.

28. There are the function of bones, except . . . .
a. Forming of body shape, store of minerals
b. Passive movement part, attach places of muscles
c. Support the body, active movement part*
d. Manufacture blood cell, protect inner organs

29. In the joint, bones are held together by . . . . .
a. tendon
b. cartilage
c. ligaments*
d. blood vessel.

30. Group of bones which include in flat shape are . . . .
a. Skull, ileum, scapula, fibulae
b. Costae, clavicle, ileum, cranium *
c. Carpale, radius, sternum, cranium
d. Clavicle, columna vertebral, tarsal, skull.

From this picture, the right joint names and its place correctly paired with one of their parts is . . . .
a. Socket joint – pectoral girls
b. Pivot joint – elbows
c. Hinge joint – elbows*
d. Hinge joint – ankles.

32. The muscles tissue showing as possible shortening, thickening, and then pull rather than push. From these character the muscles are in the condition of . . .
a. Tonus c. Contraction.*
b. Relaxation d. Antagonistic

33. The smallest independent element of a muscle movement part is called . . . .
a. Myosin c. Muscles fibre
b. Myofibril d. Sarcomere.*

34. Which is not included in the process that occur, on the energy anaerobic phase at muscle ?
a. ATP resynthesis*
b. Acetylcholine absorption
c. ATP resolve / break down
d. Compound of actomyosin.

35. For which type of musculature does the following apply : cells have a nucleus, 5 – 10 contractions per minute is possible, the contraction can’t be maintained. Such muscles is . . . .
a. Skeletal muscles system
b. Straight muscles system
c. Visceral muscles system*
d. Cardiac muscles system.

36. Blood represents a transport system, the liquid part of the blood which carries the greatest variety of substances is . . . .
a. lymphocyte.
b. haemoglobin
c. plasmic*
d. platelets

37. A type of white blood cell to protect the body by engulfing a foreign particle (phagocyte activity) is . . . . , except
a. monocyte c. lymphocyte*
b. basophyle d. Eosinophile.

Referring to the left diagram on superior cava vein is shown by . . . . .
a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 6.*

39. Chemical substances which has functions to plug in peripheral body when it is temporary injured is . . . . .
a. fibrin * c. lymphocyte
b. platelets d. haemoglobin.

40. Heart valves function to . . . .
a. keep blood moving forward through the heart*.
b. mix blood thoroughly as it passes through the heart
c. control the amount of blood pumped by the heart.
d. slow blood down as it passes through the heart.

41. The primary sealants that plug leaks in blood vessels are . . . .
a. hemoglobins and platelets.
b. white blood cells and platelets.
c. platelets and fibrin .*
d. red blood cells and albumin.

42. Which of the following best describes an vein vessel is . . . .
a. it carries blood away from the heart
b. it carries blood away to the heart.*
c. it carries deoxygenated blood
d. it contains semicircular valves.

43. The systolic pressure is . . . . .
a. pressure of during contraction of heart atrium muscles
b. pressure of during contraction of heart ventricle muscles*
c. pressure of during dilatation / relaxation of heart ventricle muscles
d. pressure of during dilatation / relaxation of artery and aorta muscles.
44. If some one has A blood type will transfuse to some one else with B blood type then the red blood cell will be rapidly destroyed by the patient blood ( recipient ), because this is . . . .
a. the A antibody attacked by A agglutinogen
b. the A agglutinogen attached by b agglutinin
c. the A agglutinogen attached by a agglutinin*
d. the a agglutinin attached by A agglutinogen.

45. One disease of the coagulation system forms a genetic bleeding disorder in which one of the plasma clotting factors. Resulting in this problem is in control bleeding from minor injuries which is called . . . . .
a. Haemophilia* c. leukaemia
thalassemia d. anaemia.

B. Answer briefly question bellow !

46. a. Draw the animal cell structure, show the organelles of the cell such as : cetriole, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion and complex Golgi !
b. Explain the functions for each!

47. Talk about four kinds of animal tissues, give description and the example for each !

48. Draw a leaf anatomy, show part of vascular bundle, palisade mesophile, stomata, cuticle layer, lower epiderm, and explain each function!

49. Mention five names of joint we have, and mention where its place in human body ?

50. Make a scheme of clotting process when we get temporary injure. Describe three stages and explain its occurrence process !

Doing something alone is much more august from lying x-self
A wish person always believes and esteems him self
in all situation to pray for God bless.

good luck !!!
Best regard from your Biology teacher

Arsip Soal tes smt 1 X Immersi


Subject : BIOLOGY
Date : Tuesday, 4th January 2005.
Class : X Immersion 1-2.
Time : 09.30 – 11.30 (120 minutes).

Choose one the best correct answer !

1. Observe the environment can be used for ……
A. testing problem D. testing hypothesis
B. making conclusion E. formulating problem.
C. compiling hypothesis

2. Following which doesn’t include the scientific attitude is ….
A. open minded D. downright
B. inquiring E. subjective.
C. diligent

3. When we assume the observation data is still less, we need …..
A. problem change D. experiment
B. title change E. instrument compile.
C. literature study

4. Material object which is studied in biology is …..
A. living creature only D. living thing and microbe
B. living thing and creature which have lived E. living thing and unliving thing.
C. microorganism and macroorganism

5. Which isn’t an observation result …..
A. Picture D. graph
B. forecast E. sound record.
C. table

6. Biological branch which studies living creature interaction and their environment is ….
A. Morphology D. Taxonomy
B. Ecology E. Histology.
C. Physiology

7. The most appropriate scientific name of an organism is ….
A. Mimosa pudica D. mimosa Pudica
B. Mimosa pudica E. mimosa pudica.
C. Mimosa Pudica

8. The cause factor of diversity is ………
A. Gen and environment D. nutrient
B. individual E. adaptation.
C. environment
9. On the mountain there are many sugar palms, on the swamp many palmyra palms are found, on the beach there are many coconut trees. In biodiversity level, they are called ….
A. ecosystem D. community
B. genetic E. population.
C. species

10. Special character of fauna which is found in eastern part of Indonesia is …..
A. there many mammal have big body D. there many monkey type
B. fur colour bird type a little E. fur colour bird immeasurable.
C. many ape type

11. Plant group which is included in malaysiana is …..
A. iron wood, grape, pine D. mangos, pine, orange
B. iron wood, teak, meranti E. mangos, sugar cane, meranti
C. sugar cane, orange, teak

12. The example of Biodiversity which can be used medicine is ……
A. sago D. curcuma
B. matoa E. banana.
C. parsnip

13. One benefit of phylogeny classification system is ……
A. knowing organism types
B. knowing organism characteristic
C, knowing consanquinity organism..
D. knowing relation between organism
E. knowing organism benefit to human

14. Binomial nomenclature system in the species first time introduced by ……
A. Ernest Haeckel D. Robert H. Wittaker
B. Carlk Von Linne E. Charles Darwin
C. J.B Lamarck

15. The following compound which is non compiler of body virus is …..
A. mineral D. protein
B. lipid E. carbohydrate.
C. nucleic acid

16. Steps proliferation correctly at the virus reproduction are …..
A. adsorption – penetration – biosynthetic – maturation – lytic
B. adsorption – biosynthetic – penetration – maturation – lytic
C. adsorption – lytic – maturation – biosynthetic – infection
D. adsorption – maturation – penetration – biosynthetic – lytic
E. adsorption – lytic- penetration – biosynthetic – maturation.

17. A microbiological found that some bacteria infected by bacteriophages had developed the ability to made a particular amino acid that they could not be made before. This new ability was probably a result of ……
A. transformation D. Transduction
B. induction E. transposition.
C. conjugation

18. Staphylococcus bacterium shown by the picture is ….


19. Equation of bacterium with blue algae both them have ….
A. one cell and prokaryotic D. eukaryotic and chlorophyll
B. polycellular and prokaryotic E. autotroph and prokaryotic.
C. chlorophyll and prokaryotic

20. Protozoa is included in Protist Kingdom because of ….
A. it’s prokaryotic organism and multicellular
B. It’s nucleic membrane and multicellular
C. it’s eukaryotic organism and unicellular
D. without nucleic membrane and unicellular
E. it’s free life and cosmopolite.

21. The role of protist like fungi to life is generally as …..
A. phytoplankton D. decomposer
B. zooplankton E. producer.
C. first consumer

22. Material to make agar gel can be produced by …..
A. green algae D. brown algae
B. red algae E. gold algae
C. blue algae

23. Subdividing of fungi based on him hyphae type real correct …..
A. non septate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi
B. uni nucleic nonseptate, poly nucleic nonseptate, and septate fungi
C. uni nucleic non septate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi
D. poly nucleic nonseptate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi
E. uni nucleic nonseptate, poly nucleic nonseptate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi.

24. Part of mushroom which is delicious to be eaten is called ….
A. mycelium D. rhizoid
B. stolon E. fruit body
C. hyphae

25. The instrument form as generative reproduction on Volvariella volvacea its called ….
A. Zygospore D. Chlamydospore
B. Basidiospore E. Conidiospore
C. Ascospore

26. The useful Neurospora crassa to make …..
A. tempe D. oncom
B. beverage E. medicine.
C. vinegar

27. Life interaction between algae and fungi at the lichen represent .…
A. mutualism symbiosis D. komensalism symbiosis
B. parasitic symbiosis E. population competition
C. organism decomposition

28. Hepatopsida represent of dioceus plant (berumah dua) it means ….
A. each individual only produces one kinds of gamet
B. each thallic there are two kinds of spore
C. each individual can produces ovum and spermatozoa
D. it produces some spore has differ size and measure
E. one individual can produce masculine and female spores.

29. Spore of pteridophyte plant when fall at appropriate place will grow to become ….
A. protonema D. sporogonium
B. gametophyte E. prothallium
C. sporophyte

30. Single fertilisation can experienced of by plant such as …..
A. pine, mango, fern D. belinjo, fern, resin
B. fir-tree, resin, mango E. belinjo, fern, fir-tree.
C. pine, belinjo, resin

Are the following sentences true ( A ) or false ( C ) !

31. Pathology studies pandemic and its influence to human life.

32. Living creature own near by consanguinity have few characteristic

33. In generally a virus harms human being because it cause some

34. Neurospora, Saccharomyces, and Penicillium represent examples
mushroom of Ascomycotine

35. Generally amount part of flower on the monocot plant have four
or five fold

Match the right statement with left real once !

micro nucleus
macro nucleus

36. Form, amount, appearance, and characteristic variation on the living creature.
37. Special protein which produced the body to prevent virus infection.
38. Nucleic has function to generative reproduction on the ciliate.
39. The sack is contain four generative spores at fungi.
40. Special characteristic of moss is shown as thallic plant.

Answer briefly !

41. followings are data of observation result on growing sprout of mung bean in several planting medium during five days.
Planting medium
Farm soil
Mountainous soil
0.9 cm
1.5 cm
2.2 cm
2.8 cm
3.6 cm
0.4 cm
0.9 cm
1.3 cm
1.5 cm
1.7 cm
0.2 cm
0.4 cm
0.6 cm
0.8 cm
1.1 cm
0.3 cm
0.6 cm
0.9 cm
1.2 cm
1.6 cm
0.72 cm
0.34 cm
0.22 cm
0.32 cm
Write down formulating manipulative variable and respond variable!
Make a graph of observation result !
Write down your conclusion !

42. a. On the mountain there are many sugar palms, on the swamp many palmyra palms are found, on the beach there are many coconut trees. In biodiversity level, they are called ….., explain them with their reasons !
b. Mention 4 differences of flora characteristic between those come from west and east parts of Indonesia !
c. Explain 3 regulations of Binomial nomenclature system !

43. a. What is means of virus word?
Draw the picture of virus structure, mention and show the important parts of virus!
( 4 body parts of virus )
Mention 4 diseases which are caused by virus !

44. a. Explain the function algae cell and hyphae fungi on the lichen body !
b. mention 3 kinds of lichen classes and complete with one example for each !

45. a. Make schemes metagenesis of ferns plant homospore and heterospore!
b. Mention 4 kinds of pteridophyte class and complete with one example for each!

Doing better by your self, You have to struggle for your success,
best pupil always believes in his ability.

good luck !!!

Procariotes diversity

Prokaryotes are the most numerous and pervasive organisms on Earth. The evolution of prokaryotic life changed the Earth, and prokaryotes continue to have a major impact on all other forms of life. The success of prokaryotes is based on diverse adaptations of form and function, including all types of nutrition. There are two main kinds of prokaryotes: bacteria and archaea. Molecular systematics is leading to more detailed understanding of the relationships and roles of these important organisms.
Modess of Nutrition in Prokaryotes
Prokaryotes can be grouped into four categories according to how they obtain energy and carbon. There are photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs. This bacterial growth chamber will allow you to test your knowledge of these prokaryote nutritional modes. Drag a petri dish to the chamber to choose a culture to grow. Then push buttons to choose the minimum factors-- an energy source and a carbon source-- that the selected bacteria need to live. Click "Check Answer" to see whether you have selected the correct factors to support growth of the bacteria you chose. Click "Reset" to start over.
Photoautotroph . You have selected the correct energy source and carbon source to support the growth of these bacteria.
Chemoautotroph. You have selected the correct energy source and carbon source to support the growth of these bacteria.
Photoheterotroph. You have selected the correct energy source and carbon source to support the growth of these bacteria.
Chemoheterotroph. You have selected the correct energy source and carbon source to support the growth of these bacteria.
Classification of Prokaryotes
Prokaryotic organisms are sometimes classified into two Domains instead of a single Kingdom (Monera). Domains are taxonomic groupings larger than a kingdom. There are approximately 12 subgroups within Domain Bacteria, five of which are shown here; Domain Archaea contains 3 major subgroups. To test your knowledge of prokaryotic subgroups, click on each question number at the bottom left of the screen. For each question, click on the correct subgroup for the bacterium shown in the box.
Anabaena circinalus is a freshwater photosynthetic bacterium, commonly seen growing in ponds in the summertime. Its bluish-green cells occur in chains. Specialized cells called heterocysts can fix nitrogen.Click on the subgroup that includes Anabaena. Cyanobacteria
Streptococcus aureus is a spherical bacterium with a thick cell wall of peptidoglycan. It occurs in chains. It is chemoheterotrophic and a facultative anaerobe. It grows on human skin and can be pathogenic. Click on the subgroup that includes Streptococcus. Gram positif bactyeria
Sulfulobus acidocaldarius is a rod-shaped bacterium that lives in hot springs at temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees C. It is a chemoautotroph that derives energy from oxidizing sulfur. Its cell walls are made of modified peptidoglycan (pseudomurein). Click on the subgroup that includes Sulfulobus. Extrime thermophiles
trachomatis is an obligate intracellular parasite that reproduces inside host cells. Its cell walls lack peptidoglycan. Cell shape varies but is never helical. This species causes nongonococcal urethritis, the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Infection can result in blindness. Click on the subgroup that includes C. trachomatis. (Its full name is Chlamydia trachomatis). Clamidias
M. barkeri is a strict anaerobe found in swamps and sewage waste. It has an unusual chemoheterotrophic lifestyle, using H2 as an energy source and CO2 as the terminal electron acceptor in cellular respiration. The CO2 is reduced to CH4. Click on the subgroup that includes M. barkeri. (Its full name is Methanosarcina barkeri. Methanogens.
Proteus vulgaris is a chemoheterotroph that inhabits the intestinal tracts of animals and can be pathogenic. It is rod-shaped and a facultative anaerobe. The cell wall of this bacterium is fairly thin. Click on the subgroup that includes Proteus vulgaris. Proteo bacteria.
Treponema pallidum is a chemoheterotroph shaped like a long coiled spring or helix. It swims with a motion like a twirling corkscrew. This bacterium is the cause of syphilis, a common sexually transmitted disease. Click on the subgroup that includes Treponema pallidum. Spirochetes.
H. salinarium is an aerobic chemoheterotroph that lives in very salty ponds and lakes. Large numbers of this organism turn the water orange-red due to its internal pigment bacteriorhodopsin. The cell wall of H. salinarium is not made of murein. Click on the subgroup that includes H. salinarium. (Its full name is Halobacterium salinarium. Extreme halophiles.

Genetic substances

Unpaired DNA strands, holding them apart while they serve as templates for the synthesis of new complementary strands.
We are almost ready to start making new DNA strands, but the enzyme that makes DNA can only add to a growing strand, not start one. What enzyme is needed to get a strand started? Primase. Right. An enzyme called primase joins RNA nucleotides to make a short stretch of RNA called a primer. The primer serves as a starting point for making new DNA.
Now we are ready to make some DNA. Which enzyme does this? DNA Polymerase. Starting at RNA primers, DNA polymerase joins DNA nucleotides to form new DNA strands along the old ones. Note that DNA polymerase can only move along a template strand in the 3' to 5' direction, making new DNA 5' to 3'. This means that along one template strand
, DNA polymerase can work toward the widening replication fork, but along the other strand it must work in the opposite direction, making the new DNA in short segments.
What now joins the short segments of new DNA to form continuous strands? Ligase. First a different DNA polymerase replaces the RNA primers with DNA. Then an enzyme called DNA ligase joins the short segments of DNA to complete the new DNA strands.

maaf ya, gambarnya terbang entah ke mana hee..heee1. Besok bila ketemu tak sertakan ya...

This animation summarizes the parts and processes involved in DNA replication.

Peta On Line