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Selamat datang di Blog-nya Pak Ansori SMA 2 Semarang. Blog ini dibuat khusus untuk kepentingan pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Biologi bagi siswa - siswa ku di SMA 2 khususnya, juga untuk menuangkan ide yang kemungkinan bermanfaat untuk orang lain. Blog ini juga kami lengkapi dengan link sumber belajar, bahan pelajaran atau soal latihan, serta tugas siswa khususnya untuk komunitas biologi SMA. Anda dapat mengguanakan blog ini sebagai wahana belajar, komunikasi dan usul serta saran yang mungkin sangat bermanfaat bagi dunia pendidikan.
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Wassalamu'alaikum Warochmatullahi Wabarokatuh!

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Semarang, 28 Juni 2011.

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Sabtu, 29 September 2007

Arsip Soal tes smt 1 X Immersi


Subject : BIOLOGY
Date : Tuesday, 4th January 2005.
Class : X Immersion 1-2.
Time : 09.30 – 11.30 (120 minutes).

Choose one the best correct answer !

1. Observe the environment can be used for ……
A. testing problem D. testing hypothesis
B. making conclusion E. formulating problem.
C. compiling hypothesis

2. Following which doesn’t include the scientific attitude is ….
A. open minded D. downright
B. inquiring E. subjective.
C. diligent

3. When we assume the observation data is still less, we need …..
A. problem change D. experiment
B. title change E. instrument compile.
C. literature study

4. Material object which is studied in biology is …..
A. living creature only D. living thing and microbe
B. living thing and creature which have lived E. living thing and unliving thing.
C. microorganism and macroorganism

5. Which isn’t an observation result …..
A. Picture D. graph
B. forecast E. sound record.
C. table

6. Biological branch which studies living creature interaction and their environment is ….
A. Morphology D. Taxonomy
B. Ecology E. Histology.
C. Physiology

7. The most appropriate scientific name of an organism is ….
A. Mimosa pudica D. mimosa Pudica
B. Mimosa pudica E. mimosa pudica.
C. Mimosa Pudica

8. The cause factor of diversity is ………
A. Gen and environment D. nutrient
B. individual E. adaptation.
C. environment
9. On the mountain there are many sugar palms, on the swamp many palmyra palms are found, on the beach there are many coconut trees. In biodiversity level, they are called ….
A. ecosystem D. community
B. genetic E. population.
C. species

10. Special character of fauna which is found in eastern part of Indonesia is …..
A. there many mammal have big body D. there many monkey type
B. fur colour bird type a little E. fur colour bird immeasurable.
C. many ape type

11. Plant group which is included in malaysiana is …..
A. iron wood, grape, pine D. mangos, pine, orange
B. iron wood, teak, meranti E. mangos, sugar cane, meranti
C. sugar cane, orange, teak

12. The example of Biodiversity which can be used medicine is ……
A. sago D. curcuma
B. matoa E. banana.
C. parsnip

13. One benefit of phylogeny classification system is ……
A. knowing organism types
B. knowing organism characteristic
C, knowing consanquinity organism..
D. knowing relation between organism
E. knowing organism benefit to human

14. Binomial nomenclature system in the species first time introduced by ……
A. Ernest Haeckel D. Robert H. Wittaker
B. Carlk Von Linne E. Charles Darwin
C. J.B Lamarck

15. The following compound which is non compiler of body virus is …..
A. mineral D. protein
B. lipid E. carbohydrate.
C. nucleic acid

16. Steps proliferation correctly at the virus reproduction are …..
A. adsorption – penetration – biosynthetic – maturation – lytic
B. adsorption – biosynthetic – penetration – maturation – lytic
C. adsorption – lytic – maturation – biosynthetic – infection
D. adsorption – maturation – penetration – biosynthetic – lytic
E. adsorption – lytic- penetration – biosynthetic – maturation.

17. A microbiological found that some bacteria infected by bacteriophages had developed the ability to made a particular amino acid that they could not be made before. This new ability was probably a result of ……
A. transformation D. Transduction
B. induction E. transposition.
C. conjugation

18. Staphylococcus bacterium shown by the picture is ….


19. Equation of bacterium with blue algae both them have ….
A. one cell and prokaryotic D. eukaryotic and chlorophyll
B. polycellular and prokaryotic E. autotroph and prokaryotic.
C. chlorophyll and prokaryotic

20. Protozoa is included in Protist Kingdom because of ….
A. it’s prokaryotic organism and multicellular
B. It’s nucleic membrane and multicellular
C. it’s eukaryotic organism and unicellular
D. without nucleic membrane and unicellular
E. it’s free life and cosmopolite.

21. The role of protist like fungi to life is generally as …..
A. phytoplankton D. decomposer
B. zooplankton E. producer.
C. first consumer

22. Material to make agar gel can be produced by …..
A. green algae D. brown algae
B. red algae E. gold algae
C. blue algae

23. Subdividing of fungi based on him hyphae type real correct …..
A. non septate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi
B. uni nucleic nonseptate, poly nucleic nonseptate, and septate fungi
C. uni nucleic non septate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi
D. poly nucleic nonseptate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi
E. uni nucleic nonseptate, poly nucleic nonseptate, uni nucleic septate, and poly nucleic septate fungi.

24. Part of mushroom which is delicious to be eaten is called ….
A. mycelium D. rhizoid
B. stolon E. fruit body
C. hyphae

25. The instrument form as generative reproduction on Volvariella volvacea its called ….
A. Zygospore D. Chlamydospore
B. Basidiospore E. Conidiospore
C. Ascospore

26. The useful Neurospora crassa to make …..
A. tempe D. oncom
B. beverage E. medicine.
C. vinegar

27. Life interaction between algae and fungi at the lichen represent .…
A. mutualism symbiosis D. komensalism symbiosis
B. parasitic symbiosis E. population competition
C. organism decomposition

28. Hepatopsida represent of dioceus plant (berumah dua) it means ….
A. each individual only produces one kinds of gamet
B. each thallic there are two kinds of spore
C. each individual can produces ovum and spermatozoa
D. it produces some spore has differ size and measure
E. one individual can produce masculine and female spores.

29. Spore of pteridophyte plant when fall at appropriate place will grow to become ….
A. protonema D. sporogonium
B. gametophyte E. prothallium
C. sporophyte

30. Single fertilisation can experienced of by plant such as …..
A. pine, mango, fern D. belinjo, fern, resin
B. fir-tree, resin, mango E. belinjo, fern, fir-tree.
C. pine, belinjo, resin

Are the following sentences true ( A ) or false ( C ) !

31. Pathology studies pandemic and its influence to human life.

32. Living creature own near by consanguinity have few characteristic

33. In generally a virus harms human being because it cause some

34. Neurospora, Saccharomyces, and Penicillium represent examples
mushroom of Ascomycotine

35. Generally amount part of flower on the monocot plant have four
or five fold

Match the right statement with left real once !

micro nucleus
macro nucleus

36. Form, amount, appearance, and characteristic variation on the living creature.
37. Special protein which produced the body to prevent virus infection.
38. Nucleic has function to generative reproduction on the ciliate.
39. The sack is contain four generative spores at fungi.
40. Special characteristic of moss is shown as thallic plant.

Answer briefly !

41. followings are data of observation result on growing sprout of mung bean in several planting medium during five days.
Planting medium
Farm soil
Mountainous soil
0.9 cm
1.5 cm
2.2 cm
2.8 cm
3.6 cm
0.4 cm
0.9 cm
1.3 cm
1.5 cm
1.7 cm
0.2 cm
0.4 cm
0.6 cm
0.8 cm
1.1 cm
0.3 cm
0.6 cm
0.9 cm
1.2 cm
1.6 cm
0.72 cm
0.34 cm
0.22 cm
0.32 cm
Write down formulating manipulative variable and respond variable!
Make a graph of observation result !
Write down your conclusion !

42. a. On the mountain there are many sugar palms, on the swamp many palmyra palms are found, on the beach there are many coconut trees. In biodiversity level, they are called ….., explain them with their reasons !
b. Mention 4 differences of flora characteristic between those come from west and east parts of Indonesia !
c. Explain 3 regulations of Binomial nomenclature system !

43. a. What is means of virus word?
Draw the picture of virus structure, mention and show the important parts of virus!
( 4 body parts of virus )
Mention 4 diseases which are caused by virus !

44. a. Explain the function algae cell and hyphae fungi on the lichen body !
b. mention 3 kinds of lichen classes and complete with one example for each !

45. a. Make schemes metagenesis of ferns plant homospore and heterospore!
b. Mention 4 kinds of pteridophyte class and complete with one example for each!

Doing better by your self, You have to struggle for your success,
best pupil always believes in his ability.

good luck !!!

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